Holy Wonderings

Jesus and the Kids MainOn Sunday morning I preached about Luke 2:41-52. If you were in worship you heard me say it’s a story I don’t really know how to process. It doesn’t offer us a quick, easy lesson on grace or justice, and there are no heart-warming verses to memorize or tape to your mirror.So what are we to do with this story?

As a part of our month long series Jesus and the Kids I’m suggesting that we take a lesson from the kids and try and live into Luke 2 the way a child would. Children approach the scriptures without an agenda. They allow the stories to speak for themselves. They wonder, they imagine, they ask questions….lots of them! What might we learn, what might God reveal, if we did the same?

So here’s the challenge. Read Luke 2:41-52 and sit with it for a bit. Let your imagination wonder. Ask some questions, silly and serious. Put yourself in Mary or Joseph’s shoes and live into the story. Then share with us what you discover! I’m hoping that you’ll add your discoveries to the conversation by joining in and commenting below.

If you need some guiding questions how about these?

1. What are you wondering about as you read Luke 2:41-52?
2. What message do you hear when you listen to this story with an open heart and imagination?

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Nicole

P.S.  Do you really like this idea or do you need some inspiration to get started? Here’s a video of a small group of people doing the same thing with Luke 2. It’s beautiful what’s revealed in the story as they allow themselves to wonder and ask questions.
