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HEAVEN’S KITCHEN shares a meal with the people of Brooklyn, MD on the 4th Saturday of every month from 11am-2pm.

5 Ways You Can Serve at Heaven’s Kitchen:
-Show Up: 25 volunteers are needed on the 4th Saturday of each month. Meet at SPUMC at Brooklyn Community UMC at 11am. We set up and cook from 11am-noon (email Chip at to let us know you are coming).
-Bake: Help us provide sweet treats for each meal. Bake your favorite dessert, pack them in individual Ziploc bags and drop them off at the church office before the 4th Saturday.
-Decorate: Provide or make table decorations based on the season. This is a great way to use your inner artist or get children involved.
-Donate: Heaven’s Kitchen has an ongoing need for good quality seasonal items such as blankets and sleeping bags, new socks and underwear, toilet paper, toiletries and devotional books. All non-perishable donations can be brought to Heaven’s Kitchen or dropped off in the missions corner in Fellowship Hall.
-Pray: for those who are homeless and live on the margins of society that we can not only meet some of their physical needs but that we can also feed their souls.