THE MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP began meeting in the spring of 2023 as a way to bring together guys in their 30s-50s to make connections with one another and to do life and faith together. We meet monthly at the Breakfast Shoppe in Severna Park, usually the  First Friday from 7am-8:45am. You can come early and leave early, come late and leave late or stay for the whole time depending on your morning work and family commitments.

In addition to our breakfasts, we do Cornhole Nights in the summer, prepare and serve meals at Winter Relief for our guests, send foursomes to play in the BWC Seeds for Success Charity Golf each spring and take the lead for the grilling at the All-Church Summer Cookout. We also combine with the ROMEOS group for Weekly Bible Study during Lent. The group consists of about 30 active members and at any given breakfast we will have 10-12 (and sometimes more) of us taking over the center of the restaurant. At a recent breakfast this fall we had someone sending off their first child to kindergarten, another to middle school and a third to college. Chances are you can meet someone in your stage of life if you come join us.

If you’d like to be added to the text or email list for this group so you can get reminders of the next meeting, please contact Rev. Ron. Hope to see you with us soon!