Beginning in the late summer of 2024, we began a partnership with the International Rescue Committee to help State Department vetted refugee families and individuals move into their first homes on US soil. Over the course of 6 months, we furnished and set up 8 apartments or townhouses with beds, tables, chairs, sofas, various household items and fully stocked pantries and refrigerators. In a very short time, we have built a considerable team of volunteers who have gotten involved with this ministry with their donations, hearts and labor.
Recent actions by the US government have greatly curtailed the efforts of the IRC and other similar non-profits in their work of welcoming and supporting refugees. We are continuing to respond to the most urgent needs of recently resettled refugees (food, clothing, shoes, transportation, job connections) on a case by basis even as we are working toward a more sustainable model for this ministry moving forward. We'll keep the congregation posted as we discover the most effective ways we can channel our compassion and care with this fragile population in this critical time. Contact Heather Kraus if you want to get involved or learn more.