Rev. Ron is passionate about finding creative ways to make faith real and engaging for people of all ages. Connecting this ancient path of following Jesus to our 21st century lives, he loves to put the Gospel in conversation with contemporary culture, current events, and everyday situations. He enjoys hanging out with youth, talking with children, teaching adults, and engaging in hands-on mission alongside of others. Prior to coming to SPUMC in July of 2014, he served churches in Boonsboro, Reisterstown, and Bethesda.
His other loves include basketball (playing pick-up and watching way too much ESPN), photography, soccer, travel, writing, kayaking, and music of all kinds. A graduate of Princeton University (’83) and Duke Divinity School (’86), he served as an adjunct faculty member at Wesley Theological Seminary for thirteen years and co-authored The Godbearing Life: The Art of Soultending in Youth Ministry with his good friend, Kenda Creasy Dean. He serves on the Board of Ordained Ministry for the Baltimore-Washington Conference and heads up their Residency in Ministry program for commissioned deacons and elders.
Rev. Ron and his wife, Holly, have two grown daughters, Christine (married to Ross) and Sara (recently married to Hunter). Holly works just down the street from their home in Eastport at Spinsheet/Proptalk/Fishtalk. She is an avid sailor and captains Sweet Charlie, a 31-foot Catalina that is named for their granddaughter Charlie who is now two, lives close by in Arnold and lights up their lives with joy and laughter on a regular basis.