To-Do Checklist: Step-by-step guidance to follow to ensure all items are completed before school begins.
Health Inventory Form: To be completed by pediatrician, along with a current printed record of immunizations.
MD Department of Health Blood Lead Testing Certificate: Please follow instructions on front of page.
All About Me Form: To help your child's teacher learn about your preschooler.
Parent Handbook: Final page is the Handbook Receipt Acknowledgement, which you must sign and turn in prior to the first day of school.
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Medication Administration Plan: To be completed by parents and physician. REQUIRED for any student needing an epi-pen or other allergy medication to be held at the school. Parents must provide snacks for any student with a food allergy.
Asthma Action Form: To be completed by parents and physician. REQUIRED for any student needing any asthma medication to be held at the school.
Medication Administration Form: To be completed by parents and physician. REQUIRED to accompany any medication (prescription or over the counter) to be held at the school. Accompanying medication must be unopened with prescription label attached.