In our congregation, children begin attending worship once a month in kindergarten. We believe that after learning Bible stories in Sunday School for a few years, children are ready to begin growing as worshipers. But this comes with a challenge: how can such a young Christian focus during the service?
But for kids in worship, we know that it can be hard to sit still and be quiet, and that can make it hard for the whole family to focus on talking with God. Here are a few ideas to become prayer partners with children:
Listening to one person speak for 15-20 minutes without interruptions is not something children do often, but that doesn’t mean they cannot do it. The truth is that most people tune in and out from sermons. They often listen until they hear something that sends them off on a thought, then return when they have run that idea or when something breaks through their thoughts calling them back to the sermon.
Children do the same thing. We can teach them how to tune in and out and to think about what the preacher says. Here are a few strategies for teaching your child to listen to the sermon and apply it to their lives:
Here are a few tips for how to keep them thinking about the experience after they’ve left the sanctuary: