An Hour on Sunday
One Very Rich Hour on Sunday!
You know it’s an important part of your faith…but why do we do the things we do in worship? This month, we are thrilled to have our children and youth in worship every Sunday as we spend 6 weeks learning more about what it means to worship together as the body of Christ. Together, we’ll think about practices such as prayer, singing, preaching, and communion, and look for where our scripture directs our worship. Come to learn and worship with a childlike heart this summer!
July 1: Why Do We Come Here?
July 8: Why Do We Always Read the Bible?
July 15: Why Do We Talk to God? (VBS Celebration at 9:30)
July 22: Why Do We Sing Together? (VBS Celebration at 11:00)
July 29: Why Does the Pastor Talk So Much?
August 5: Why Do We Eat in the Sanctuary?
August 12: Sent Forth to Love and Serve! (ASP Sunday)
Quotes of the Week
Week 1: Why Are We Here?
“In worship we gather up the crumbs, and in our gathering
we are reminded that a miracle has taken place.
We pick up the day-to-day-ness of our lives
and give it to God as an offering…
We worship because we live amid crumbs.
We worship because we know in God there is
a wholeness greater than the pieces in our lives.”
— Lisa Nichols Hickman, The Worshiping Life
Week 2: Why Do We Always Read the Bible?
“God is still breathing. The Bible is both inspired and inspiring.
Our job is to ready the sails and gather the embers,
to discuss and debate, and like the biblical character Jacob,
to wrestle with the mystery until God gives us a blessing.”
— Rachel Held Evans, Inspired
Week 3: Why Do We Talk with God?
“Prayer is taking a chance that against all odds and past history,
we are loved and chosen, and do not have to get it together
before we show up.
The opposite may be true: We may not be able to get it together
until after we show up in such miserable shape.”
— Anne Lamott, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers
Week 4: Why Do We Sing Together?
“The bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.”
— Maya Angelou