Arundel House of Hope
The Arundel House of Hope (AHOH) is a local, non-profit ecumenical group which cares about the poor and homeless. They provides emergency, transitional, and permanent affordable housing for those in need in our county. SPUMC partners year round with The Arundel House of Hope through our clothing closet ministry and Winter Relief.
Through the clothing closet SPUMC folks can help fulfill a personal need for a guest at AHOH. You can pick up a yellow card in the “Go out in faith” corner in the Fellowship Hall and purchase the requested item on the card. All items are delivered by SPUMC to the individual making the request. Gift cards are always appreciated and are used to buy unfulfilled requests at the end of each month. For more information about the clothing closet contact Martha Hollidge at:
To learn more about our partnership with Wither Relief go here.