
Most of our groups, classes and events take place in-person and and a few online via Zoom. Below is our weekly calendar of events and the links to our virtual and hybrid gatherings. If you would like help learning to use Zoom, contact the church office for assistance. For a complete list of events (in person, hybrid, and virtual), please see our comprehensive calendar


Women’s Bible Study | 8:15pm | Zoom
Currently reading “Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break” by Kelly Minter. If you want to sign up or have questions, email Brenda for current Zoom meeting information.

Church Council | 8:00pm | Second Monday of odd months (Jan, Mar, May…) unless otherwise scheduled
The group is comprised of Committee Chairs, Clergy/Staff and selected at-large members to discuss and plan the program ministries of our church, care for the church building, and direct the life of the congregation.

Various Committees – Worship, Missions, Finance, Trustees, etc. | 7:00pm | Alternate second Mondays

Alcoholics Anonymous Early Birds | 9:30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday | Fellowship Hall
For more information visit Baltimore Intergroup Council of Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc.


Bible Study: Choose Life – Leviticus & Deuteronomy | 7:30pm | Tuesday nights thru 11/19
Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 890 2204 8328 | Passcode: ChooseLife

Sacred Worth Group | 7pm | 3rd Tuesday of each month | Parlor
Sacred Worth is a place of support and holy conversation for LGBTQI+ persons, family members, allies, and friends. All are always welcome.

Faith & Race Group | 7:00pm | 4th Tuesday of each month | Parlor
The Faith & Race Group meets monthly to explore how our core Christian values call us to treat people of all cultures and races with dignity, respect and love. We read and discuss books & articles, bring in guest speakers, attend movies together and go on field trips all to become more aware about how we can build cross-racial understanding and partnerships.

To learn more visit Al-Alon/Alateen Information Service.


Morning Prayer Group | 8:00am | Zoom
Join with a group of loving and welcoming Christians for a short time of morning prayer every Wednesday. We read a scripture, share joys and concerns, and end with a blessing.
Zoom link | Meeting ID: 946 5476 5547 | Password: prayer

SPARK Worship Rehearsal | 7:00pm | Sanctuary
Worship team, audio team, tech team rehearsal. Contact Meg for info.


SPARK Bells Rehearsal | 6:00pm | Choir Room
Our active Bell Choir plays frequently in worship. Contact Laura for info.

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | 7:00pm | Choir Room
Our dedicated Sanctuary Choir spans generations and musical styles. All are welcome! Contact Laura.


Friday Covenant Group
Zoom link | Meeting ID: 821 6007 3222 | Password: peace


Join us for In Person Worship: We’re gathering together in-person every Sunday at 8am, 9:15am, and 10:45am for music, prayer, and preaching.

Virtual Worship at 10:45am every Sunday. Join us on Facebook or YouTube!

Super Sixth | 5:00pm | Every other Sunday
For 6th graders and friends.

UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) | 7:00pm | Every Sunday | Fellowship Hall
Join us for fun, fellowship, and faith! For youth in grades 7-12 and friends.