Winter Relief
Next Winter Relief Dates:
February 10-17, 2025

Winter Relief is an emergency shelter for unhoused neighbors during the winter months. The program provides so much more than shelter. Through this ministry relationships are formed, barriers are broken down and folks from very different walks of life learn and grow together. SPUMC joins with about 45 local congregations each winter to ensure that our unhoused neighbors have a safe, warm place to live. Our congregation hosts about 40 men and women at the church for two weeks each year. The overall ministry is organized by The Arundel House of Hope.
Winter Relief Mission: February 10-17, 2025
Our second week of Winter Relief will be held the week of February 10 – 17. We have a full leadership team excited and ready to go. We’ll offer cots, meals, showers, laundry, warm fellowship and most importantly the love of God to our 30-35 guests. There are many ways you can be involved such as serving as a host volunteer (working directly with the guests), helping with meals, providing transportation, doing laundry, helping with some of the activities and so much more. It is a great way to serve on a mission without leaving town. Sign up now to volunteer. It takes over 200 volunteers and around 1,000 volunteer hours to make this mission possible and there is a role and a time to fit every schedule. If you have any questions please contact Carolyn Heim.