“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
Seeking justice and serving others is at the heart of who we are at Severna Park UMC. We believe that everyone is called and able to share their faith in hands-on ways. We invite you to serve with us and connect with a mission where you can live out your call. Find out more about how we serve locally, nationally and internationally by exploring the links below. To get connected, email the leader for the mission that captures your heart or contact Becky Clapp, our Missions Chair.
Ongoing Mission Opportunities
Appalachia Service Project (ASP): Youth and adults work to make homes warmer, safer and drier in the Central Appalachian region while forming meaningful relationships with the families and communities. SPUMC has been sending teams to ASP since 1981. Unfortunately, COVID has prevented us from serving at ASP the last 2 summers, but we’re looking forward to serving in the summer of 2022! Visit ASP’s website.
Backpack Buddies: This is the main mission of SPUMC’s Sunday School children. Children and adults collect and pack backpacks full of food each week for 24 local children facing food insecurity on the weekends.
Heaven’s Kitchen: A meal based ministry which offers Christ-like hospitality, a hot meal and clothing on the 4th Saturday of every month to the people of Brooklyn, MD. A great way for families to serve together, contact Chip if you want to be part of this effort.
Prison Ministry: Volunteers serve with denominationally and ethnically diverse teams inside local Maryland prisons. Activities include Weekend Spiritual Retreats, Bible studies, Bible instruction, and mentoring. Outside support includes Bible donations and youth Christian artwork for inside retreats. Our church serves as Spring & Fall team training facility for both men’s and women’s Weekend teams.
Quilting and Prayer Shawls: Knit or crochet a prayer shawl for someone who needs to be wrapped in prayer or help make a quilted pillow for a family in need.
Rise Against Hunger: Pack meals to send around the world, partnering with school feeding programs in 74 countries. We packed 20,000 meals at the October 2022 event, and we are hoping to expand the number of meals that we pack to 30,000 or more at our 2023 event!
Serving People Across Neighborhoods (SPAN): Bring in food to stock our local pantry or volunteer at SPAN’s office for community service. In 2019, a VIM Team from SPUMC provided a major kitchen renovation for SPAN. SPAN is an interfaith ministry supported by many local faith communities and in addition to helping feed the hungry, provides emergency rent and utility assistance. Visit SPAN’s website.
Sierra Leone Partnership: Support girls’ education and Trinity UMC in rural Moyamba, Sierra Leone through our ongoing partnership.
Tend My Sheep: Support Marylander David Tingley in his work to create sustainable agriculture by training young people and creating employment opportunities in Haiti.
Volunteers in Mission (VIM): Go on a national or international short-term mission trip! Trips are often construction based, but no experience is required. The proceeds of our church garage sale support each trip. Visit the United Methodist VIM website.
Welcome Home Ministry: Work with SPUMC in partnership with the IRC to furnish homes for refugees moving to the United States from other countries. Our first move-in happened in August as we helped to set up a new home for a family of 5 from Afghanistan. In September, we helped a family of 6 from Colombia move in to their new townhouse. And in early November, we helped a family of three from Guatemala settle into their new home. Following the move-in, the IRC does ongoing case management to help the family and/or individuals find jobs, learn English, explore the area, and become self-sufficient. Our ministry team’s job is to begin preparing for the next move-in.
Winter Relief: Help us turn part of the church into a week-long home for unhoused men and women who are in need of a warm, safe place to live during the winter. Additionally, we partner with Arundel House of Hope during the year to lead Bible studies, support the clothing ministry, and more.
Wycliffe Bible Translators: Help us support a family of Biblical translators and missionaries who help to bring the Bible alive to people all over the world.