Fall Study Classes

Study Classes Can Change Your Life (Seriously!)

We have a whole slate of classes this fall that we think are worth signing up for! We are offering multiple ways for you to engage with the Bible more fruitfully, develop regular spiritual practices, and form authentic relationships with other Christians, both in person and through Zoom. Now, more than ever, we need to invest in our spiritual lives both individually and communally if our faith is going to continue to sustain and strengthen us.

Sign Up Online

Signing up is so easy! Just click here to jump to the form below and pick which class(es) you want to attend. It will help our teachers with their preparations, and make it easier for them to communicate with you as well.

If you have any questions about the signup process, email Ryan Hennesy, our Communications Director.

Class Listings

Not So Minor After All with Rev. Ken Brown
Sundays at 10:30am beginning September 12 – Hybrid (On Zoom and in person)

A study of the twelve minor prophets, so named because they are shorter and more succinct. Students will be exposed to powerful teachings that many of us have never read, but which attempt to bring our lives in coordination to God’s will.

Disciple 4 – Under the Tree of Life with Rev. Byron Brought
Tuesdays at 7:30pm beginning September 21 on Zoom

This 4th phase of Disciple Bible study is a 32-week look at the Writings in the Old Testament — Ruth, some history, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations, Daniel, and more. The second half will focus on the gospel and letters of John, James, Jude, and Revelation. The image of the tree of life frames the story, from Genesis to Revelation.

No previous Disciple experience is necessary. Student books will be $40.

Jesus and Women with Rev. Narae Kim
Thursdays at 11am in person OR Thursdays at 7pm on Zoom beginning September 30

Over 6 weeks, we will look through Middle Eastern cultural lens at several interactions Jesus had with women in the Bible. During this study, you will be working on any form of an art project of your choice, that reflects and expresses what you have learned from the study.

Faith and Food with Shane Perry
Tuesday nights beginning October 5 in person

We’ll be making foods with religious significance and discussing how food can play a part in our faith. There may be a fee to cover costs of food.

  • October 5: Pretzels (praying hands)
  • October 12: Baklava (33 layers = 33 years of life)
  • October 19: Soul Cake (All Souls Day)
  • October 26: Fanesca (Ecuadorian Soup with 12 beans for the 12 apostles and salt cod to represent Jesus)

Courage: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith with Rev. Lee Ferrell
Wednesdays at 7pm beginning September 22 – Hybrid

Courage is a necessary element of the Christian faith. But what part does courage play in our daily lives? How does true courage help us exhibit a brave faith and live the remarkable life Jesus offers? Come find out!

Books are $10.

Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of God with Rev. Ron Foster
Wednesdays at 7pm beginning October 20 – Hybrid

Rev. Ron will be offering a new accompanying 6-week class using the study guide, Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of God by Amy-Jill Levine. This will track with our upcoming worship series called Jesus’ Greatest Hits: Living the Sermon on the Mount. We’ll meet first via Zoom and then in a hybrid format on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm beginning October 20. Books are available for $15 and available at the Welcome Desk or in Fellowship Hall.

Women’s Bible Study with Brenda Shields
Monday nights beginning late September

More details to come.

And More!

The Sacred Worth group led by Rev. Ron is also resuming, meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. You can read more about this group here and access group meeting times and Zoom links on the Events page.

The Faith & Race group led by Rev. Ron will resume meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm. You can read more about this topic on our Faith & Race resource page, and access group meeting times and Zoom links on the Events page.

Fall 2021 Study Class Signup Form