Regathering Well
New Regathering Guidelines

We are currently in the Red Stage. (Last updated January 28, 2021)
Since the advent of COVID, out of concern for the health of everyone, and working in tandem with the leadership of our Bishop, our Anne Arundel County Executive and Anne Arundel County health officials, we suspended regular gatherings in our building in mid-March. Currently, all regular in-building worship, Sunday school, and meetings continue to be replaced by online experiences.
Re-Gathering Well Task Force
A Task Force of lay leaders and staff continues to meet regularly to navigate and determine, as best we can, the safest and best way forward for our congregation. If you have any questions or feedback for this group, please contact chairperson Gaines Johnston via email or phone (410.790.4262).
In addition to our virtual worship on Sunday mornings at 10am via Face Book Live, other gatherings and meetings continue to be held via ZOOM. Check out our Home Page and Top Five for more details.
The Task Force continues to take into account the best science, the best practices of other churches, the recommendations of local health officials and the protocol that has been given by the Baltimore-Washington Conference, as we make our own decisions regarding how we can re-gather well in the safest way possible. As we continue to primarily be a virtual community, we also continue to plan for the time when we can safely begin adding small face-to-face gatherings in the church building.

Anchor Values & Core Practices
We have committed to 3 anchor values that will be part of everything we do: Patient Faith, Cautious Hope & Creative Love. Additionally, we have established 5 core practices that will help guide us in practical ways through this ever-evolving process:
1) Care for others, especially the most vulnerable.
2) Worship and be in community virtually, while adding in-person opportunities for the same when safe to do so.
3) Lean on the best science and direction from experts.
4) Be driven by mission more than the calendar, political pressure or financial fear.
5) Glorify God in all that we do.
We will continue to keep you posted and want your feedback as we make important decisions for our church. If you have questions or feedback, contact Gaines Johnston, who is chairing the Task Force.

Task Force Members
We have a great team working on our Task Force including staff and lay leaders who represent a wide area of our church’s ministry:
Gaines Johnston (Task Force Chair; Church Lay Leader)
Heather Kraus (Church Council Chair)
Sam Stephens (Worship Chair)
Chip Linehan (VIM Coordinator)
Dr. Allen Egloff (retired surgeon)
Candis Wise (Worship Committee)
Dave McKinney (Facilities Manager)
Erica Benjamin (Children’s Ministry Coordinator)
Ron Foster (Lead Pastor)