Christmas 2024

Designed for families with young children
Pageant starring our 2nd graders
Featuring choir, bells, and the Baltimore Brass
Featuring choir, bells, and the Baltimore Brass
+ Our 5pm service will have glowsticks for the singing of “Silent Night” +
+ At our 7 & 9pm services, we will hold lit candles for the closing carol medley +
Christmas Afterglow
Join us on Sunday, December 29, for a Combined Worship Service at 10am. We’ll linger in Christmas a bit longer, sing carols, and hear scriptures, poems & short reflections. There will be a Christmas Show ‘n Tell time for our kids and children are encouraged to bring a favorite gift with them. Our Livestream will take place at 10:00am next Sunday. We also need COLLEGE STUDENTS to serve as readers for the service. Email Rev. Ron to volunteer for a part.
Advent Events
S’MUSIC & S’MORES: Sunday, December 8, 5-7pm. Gather ‘round the fire, sip some hot cocoa, and enjoy s’mores. Baked potato dinner, music, crafts for kids, an impromptu pageant, and more awaits! Bring donations of gloves, hats, scarves, socks, hand warmers. Sign up to bring a topping for the potato bar or other item.
ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS for $11 each. Help beautify the sanctuary for Christmas Eve by placing a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone. Please order by Tuesday (11/26) at the Welcome Desk or online.
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: It is a very special SPUMC tradition that our 2nd graders are the stars in the pageant during the 5pm Christmas Eve Service. No lines to memorize; we provide the costumes. Our one rehearsal is Sunday, December 22 at Noon. Please sign up by December 10.
ADVENT FAMILY RESOURCES for families are now on display in Fellowship Hall for browsing. Pick out a book for your family to use this year to make the season more meaningful and purchase your own copy from your chosen vendor. There are also great books for kids of all ages.
ELVES ARE WRAPPING: Did you know that Santa has elves right here at SPUMC? On Saturday, December 14, 10am-2pm, elves will be wrapping gifts! Drop off, or they will wrap while you wait. Limit 5 packages per person, minimum $5 donation supporting VIM. There will also be a Holiday Shoppe where the kids can purchase small (and affordable) gifts for parents and other family members. There may even be a surprise appearance by Mrs. Claus.
Advent Devotion
Sign up to receive our daily email Advent devotion, “Those Who Dream,” beginning Sunday, December 1.
Advent Classes
Join us this Advent season as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ through meaningful studies and devotions. Sign up for classes here.
Tuesday Evenings at 7pm (on Zoom): Kara Heagel will lead a group discussion on Kate Bowler’s Advent devotional, The Weary World Rejoices. Sign up. Meeting ID: 812 8464 4774, Passcode: Advent
Monday Evenings at 6:30pm and Thursday mornings at 10:30am (in the Parlor): Rev. Narae Kim will guide an Advent study based on A New Set of Advent Disciplines by Dr. Walter Brueggemann, exploring the narratives of Elisha. Sign up.
Advent Outreach
REVERSE ADVENT BAGS FOR SPAN ARE AVAILABLE in Fellowship Hall. Please take a bag and fill it with one food item a day through the Advent season. We also need volunteers in December following the 9:15am and 10:45am services to transport the bags to SPAN. Contact Barbara Zinck to volunteer. What goes in a Reverse Advent Bag?
ANGEL TREE: The Angel Tree is up and loaded with tags representing gifts to children and adults in our local community today. We have tags for SPAN Children, Backpack Buddies, Heaven’s Kitchen, Arundel House of Hope, Clothing Ministry, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Toy Ministry, and Welcome Home IRC. We invite you to share the joy of gift-giving at Christmas.