SPARK Family
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School and Nursery care most weeks. Our Sunday School is staffed with volunteers who lovingly teach using Grow curriculum. All volunteers have completed our Safe Sanctuary background check to ensure the safety of children, youth, and vulnerable adults.
- Babies- 2 year old children check into the nursery. Care is offered weekly at 9:15 & 10:45.
- 3-5 year old children check into Sunday School. Preschool Sunday School is offered weekly at 9:15.
- August to mid-June, Kindergarten- 5th grade children check into Sunday School at 9:15. The 2nd-5th Sundays of the month there is Sunday School. The FIRST Sunday of the month is Family First Sunday. On those Sundays elementary children worship with their families.
This Month in Sunday School
BIG PICTURE: A Series from the Gospels on Jesus’ Teachings
SERIES OVERVIEW: Every great movie tells a great story. When we see those stories played out on the big screen, we can learn a little more about ourselves and the world around us. Jesus knew how powerful stories could be, and he made them a big part of how he taught his followers. In this 5-week series, kids will hear some of the stories Jesus shared that can help them see the big picture of a life spent following God. Kids will see that God helps us know what’s true, the ways we can give back to God, how God sends us helpers, andhow God gives us second chances.
Kids in Worship
Whether we are worshiping at home or at church, or anywhere along our way, it can be challenging with young kids to keep them engaged. Elementary kids attend worship with their families the first Sunday of each month. To make children’s time in worship more meaningful check out these strategies. You may find them helpful too! Additionally, here are a few book recommendations. Parenting in the Pew by Robbie Castleman and A Children’s Guide to Worship & Come Worship with Me by Ruth Boling.
Family Resources
Tip of the Month: How to Help Kids Spend Time with God: Parent Tip Video
Resources: “I’m so bored.” We’ve all said this and we’ve all heard this from the kids in our small groups. But what is boredom, what causes it, and what can we do, as people trying to impact the next generation, to make our spaces more engaging and interactive? TED Talk | Why you shouldn’t trust boredom
Some of our Favorite Story Books
God’s Dream and other children’s books authored by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
May God Bless You And Keep You, Maybe God is Like That Too, and other books and Bibles published by Spark House and Beaming Books
Children’s Books by Matthew Paul Turner
Who Counts? and other books by Amy Jill-Levine
The Action Bible & The Action Storybook Bible
My First Hands On Bible for Preschool
Music for Your Family
Reading the Bible with Your Kids
Each fall we gift Bibles to our third grade children. Reading the Bible with your child, develops faith bonding opportunities for the entire family. But where do you start? Read through some of these resources to help you get started building a firm foundation of scripture.
VBS: Mega Fun Camp
Check out our VBS page for more information and registration.